Thursday, February 7, 2008

We did it!

Contributed by EARS Ohio State Coordinator Bonnie Morrison.

Today was beyond belief. We adopted out all of the dogs available for adoption and sent the others to several wonderful rescue organizations. We were OUT OF DOGS BY 5:40 PM!!

The last dog, Cleo, came out the door from the adoption room with her new owner and she ran right over to me with kisses in front of all the volunteer and staff members. It took me totally by surprise ... a wonderful surprise! It was the first time I cried during this deployment -- happiness and sadness hit me at the same time so hard I could not speak for several minutes.

This has been a wonderful experience, both because of the animals and because we were able to work so closely with the other organizations that came for all the same reasons. To help the animals...and WE DID!


dog-inheaven said...

Thank you so much. I live in Asheville and have been worried about these wonderful animals for years. There were rumors that some of the dogs and cats had been taken to neighborhood locations and dropped off. We have placed dogs and cats thought to have come from the All Creatures... God Bless!!! and count on my donations for the future
Pamela Dillard Gardner
Swannanoa, NC 28878

DeArmasA said...

For everyone who cleaned up the bowls, litter boxes, dog houses etc etc for ACGS, it would appear that our hard work has inspired them to hold a yard sale ;-):

Hopefully, by selling all the stuff they'd need to open another shelter, this might maybe mean they are not planning to? We can only hope...


dog-inheaven said...

I think her intention in the beginning was good and noble. I believe she became overwhelmed with the numbers of animals who needed help. There are places in the South were dogs and cats are dropped off, together, in concrete block structures without food and water to be picked up at some time by animal control and killed. The shelter in Buncombe county is wonderful now, but in the past, was cruel and horrible beyond belief. I'm sorry the situation became what it was for All Creatures. I am forever grateful to UAN and the other organizations for their aid to our dogs and cats neglected and suffering at the shelter.